Share Your Views on Local Policing

A Survey from Lothian & Scottish Borders Police

Lothian & Scottish Borders Police is currently in the process of developing the division’s Local Policing Plan for 2023-26.  A core part of this rests on seeking the views of communities and local partners to assist in the identification of priorities for the plan. We have been asked to share their survey, Your Police 2023-23, with the community. Please see the survey overview and scroll to the bottom of the page or follow the link to start the survey directly.

If you would like a hard copy of the survey please contact your local policing team who will be happy to assist.

Big Fit Walk

10am, Sunday 19th June – Haddington

The Big Fit Walk is Paths for All‘s annual walking campaign which encourages people to walk together during June (or any month) and celebrate the benefits of being physically active. People of all ages and abilities are welcome to join this event.

They will be offering 4 different types of walks to suit everyone’s needs. You do not have to book in advance but they do ask you turn up at 10am sharp to register. The event will be starting and finishing from the Bridge Centre in Haddington.

There will also be tea, coffee and refreshments and a chance to try Nordic Walking, if this is of interest.

For more information contact Parvine Jazayeri (Ageing Well Coordinator, East Lothian Council) on 07718 117585 or email at

East Saltoun Ultrafast Broadband

Pledge NOW – only 3 days left

It is not too late to join in! Thank you to everyone that has pledged vouchers so far. However, we only have 3 days to go and we still need more households to pledge to reach the target. If you would like to receive around 10x current broadband speeds with fibre broadband visit the East Saltoun Community Project site on Openreach now. You might not know it, but everyone has a voucher!

For the full terms see the Openreach site (Openreach is what used to be the network part of BT) but in summary the commitment is only to accept one of the fibre packages offered by the providers on Openreach, i.e. Sky, BT, Vodafone, Talktalk and many more. Prices are often little more than existing packages.

Many thanks to Robin Grenfell for organising the the project for the village. Lets make this happen!