
The Community Council has funds at its disposal to make small grants to local groups. Here are some examples of recent recipients. For more information about how make an application for a grant please contact us and we will be happy to help.

Bolton Village Hall

The Community Council were delighted to help support the refurbishment of internal electrics and lighting at Bolton Village Hall, helping maintain the hall in good order for the benefit of the community.

Derek Smith Trophy

A trophy to be awarded annually for “Best Overall Sportsperson” at Ross High School in memoriam of Derek Smith, a long time community activist, Community Councillor and former PE teacher and guidance leader at Ross High School.

Saltoun kirk

Saltoun Kirk Christmas Lights

An annual grant to illuminate the lovely church spire at East Saltoun around the dark evenings at Christmas time.

Fletcher Hall at East Saltoun

Saltoun Community Association

Covering extraordinary legal expenses for the Saltoun Community Association (which manages the Fletcher Hall in the village) as they reconstitute under a modern legal structure as a Scottish Charity Incorporated Organisation.

Humbie Souper Lunches

Humbie Soupersnack Lunches

Funds were received from the Area Partnership to help sponsor this project providing lunches to members of the community in Humbie who were still not be going out or seeing many people on a regular basis after the initial coronavirus restrictions were lifted in June.

West Saltoun Telephone Box

West Saltoun Community Trust

To cover insurance costs for the village phone box.

Humbie, Saltoun & Bolton Village Halls

Donations to help fund the three village halls after the covid-19 lockdowns cut revenues from village events.

Cut-out Cops

Funds were received from the Area Partnership to acquire two life-size cut-out Police constables. They are to be placed at different locations across the villages to act as a deterrent to speeding motorists.